Neverland Space Theatre

Neverland Space Theatre is dedicated to exploring the expression of emotions and spatial poetics across different mediums. We stems from an obsessive exploration of the possibilities between the body and space. The concept of spatial theater distinguishes itself from traditional performance spaces, breaking the fourth wall in the conventional theater setting. 

We are dedicated to offering a rich array of interdisciplinary performances, from contemporary dance to experimental art, and actively collaborate with avant-garde artists of various genres. In addition to performances, we also provide workshops and interactive events. We welcome all who are interested in art and innovation to join us in exploring the infinite possibilities of bodily practices.

Toward a new architecture

Toward a New Architecture is about a new form of spatial poetics of life. I do not think of architecture as merely a place for people to live; people and architecture exist together as a system in the sense of spatial semantics. Architects have a
complex restlessness, reverence, and love in designing buildings, and buildings can become independent interpretations of their history, time, and society as they grow. This process is often difficult to identify, so I use dance and digital interaction techniques to translate this process, in which the body as the aura (spiritual rhythm) of architecture revitalises the silent steel and concrete in the dialogue between architect and building and the birth of new architecture, while the latter gives order and form to the body outside of the person.

After the Filter

Contemporary art evolves rapidly, and as contemporary young artists, we face the necessity of confronting our "new identities" while navigating global flows. Each artist brings their own background to different countries, cities, and locations, and we continue to discuss the "third space" within our identities. As emerging artists, we are constantly challenged and broken, and amidst the surging currents of global art spaces, filtering out our unique artistic expressions is something that Neverland Space Theater has consistently explored.

In our upcoming performance, "After the Filter," we focus on contemporary female artists in global transition, using the Piccadilly Gallery in London as our setting. We explore ways to resolve the situations and contradictions we face. Women continuously reshape, transform, and redefine the current art market with rich imagination, "becoming supreme beings, not subject to the authority of others." We are ourselves, and we are beyond ourselves. Women's identities, with their unique creativity, will bring lasting change to the world.